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Being Parent: the Best Job of My Life!

being my best self co-creation gratitude Sep 15, 2019

Reading this lovely article on parenting by Maria Popova reminded me of my commitment when our first child was born — to be the best mother I possibly could for this precious gift. A commitment which I repeated when all our children were born.

The words in Maria’s article, quoted from Kahlil Gibran, that especially resonated were: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. As mother, I honour and am deeply thankful to Life for gifting my husband and I with her sons and daughters. And from this gift, our family circle has grown to include their partners and little ones. Our family gatherings are precious places, blessed with Life:-)

To be a parent — and share this with my fellow parent, Rob — is definitely the best job of my whole life🥰


[Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash.]

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