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Losing is the New Winning

adaptable growing strong life lessons resilience Apr 08, 2014

In her new book - "Losing is the New Winning" -  Carol Dweck argues that a willingness to court failure can be a precursor to growth. Dweck holds, persuasively, that successful people are not the ones who cultivate a veneer of perfection, but rather those who understand that failing is part of getting smarter and better.

The title of this article caught my eye because, even though I deeply appreciate success, if I am honest with myself I have learned far more from my failures than my successes.

OK, I don’t plan to fail. But if I accept that I can shift and adapt if some plan of mine doesn’t work out, then I am far more likely to stretch myself and thus increase the odds of succeeding with something that I haven’t tried before. Here I find my strength.

See what you think from this article about Carol’s thoughts.



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